Monday, November 28, 2011


 As we filled ourselves with turkey, drank our fill of silly children, and began to anticipate the Season that is upon us; I began to feel a bit ansy.  And when I couldn't find decorations that are packed away who-knows-where, I could feel the frustration bubbling, and I just had to take a walk. 
Because, I know that the decorations aren't the important part, I know having the perfect gift isn't what it is all about, but somehow that creeps in. The world starts to creep in, settling in the cracks of my soul like dust in an unused room.  At first, you can't even see it, or feel it; but soon small what ifs and dissatisfaction have taken over, and you have to get out not only the Pledge and dust cloth but also the never-lose-suction vacuum. 
And so, for me, I took a walk.  Most of the time I have to make this kind of walk alone.  But last night, Oliver and Eric were an important part of the cleanup.  We strolled around our apartment complex looking at the lights around the porches and doorways, and Oliver ooohed and aahhhed; and multiple times he thanked me and Eric for helping him decorate and complimented us on our efforts. 
How could I ever, ever forget.  I pray that I allow Christ to decorate my home and myself with a love that is sacrificial and costly.  I pray that I see and know more deeply that the perfect gift of Christ is all I, or anybody, ever needs or craves!

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