Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss you, Elizabeth!

And now I post a little about clothes and feeling good and my sweet friend that moved across the ocean. (Oh great, tears just welled up at the thought of her so far away and not able to text her about a trip to Target.) 
...Pulling myself together...

So, this is silly, but in reading through some blog posts on Elizabeth and her family's site, I noticed that Elizabeth was totally put together in the pictures.  And I decided that if Elizabeth could look good while shopping in the market in Papau New Guinea, I could put a little effort into dressing, while bumming around in the air conditioned USA.  Elizabeth totally rocks the big earrings, and so in her honor, I sported some recently.  I also tried to put on something besides a t-shirt and jeans; it didn't always happen but I did manage some lipstick and the occasional accessory.
If you haven't already, check out the Osborn's site (it's just over there on the right!).  Their beautiful girls with there big bows, sweet, too cute little boy and of course Elizabeth and Joseph are some of my most favorite people in the whole world! 

Pics to prove I tried!  Please note that the fro is under control in these photos :) 


  1. You look adorable! I love your hair.

  2. Well thanks! Funny thing is the very next day I posted this I wore some mismatched workout clothes and I had no intention of exericing...just keeping it real!
